Our Team
& Culture
meet the awesome people that make Kanso much more than just another software company
Our Team
& Culture
meet the awesome people that make Kanso much more than just another software company
“Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It’s what you do for others.” – Danny Thomas
Kanso Software is a team individuals dedicated to modernizing and humanizing housing management. We approach work and play with honesty, humility, empathy, and a service mentality. We’re a hard-working group with a growth mindset.
We design software with the greatest possible impact in mind, focusing on value creation over the bottom line.

If you enjoy tackling problems that make a tangible impact in communities across U.S., we’d love to hear from you!
Getting Away from it All – Kanso Style
Shout out to the Kanso Software team’s recent camping trip – or as we like to call it: “off the grid group quality hang time.” We took a weekend and our sleeping bags and hit the great outdoors in the Pike National Forest for a little group bonding (not to mention a lot of delicious food cooked right over the fire). Working for Kanso means joining some of the best minds in the industry as we build game changing technology that serves the underserved. But it also means working with [...]
Ely HRA Doorways Adoption Case Study
Introduction Joe Hiller started working in June of 2021 at Ely HRA as their new Executive Director. This is his first time working in housing and it’s been a learning experience. He has prior background [...]
DeForest CDA: A Doorways Case Study
Introduction Zac Grulke (Housing Director at DeForest CDA, WI) and the team were seeking training on their previous software. Instead, they noticed an opportunity they could take advantage of – a new cloud-based system [...]
A Visionary and a Family Man – A Spotlight on Kanso’s Late CTO Tony Kilhoffer
This employee spotlight is a little bit different than our others. In December of 2021 our CTO suddenly and tragically passed away. As our organization (labelled by Tony himself as his family) has taken the [...]
Every day is a brand new learning experience. Q&A with Jeff M: Kanso Dev Ops Specialist
Time with Kanso: One and a half years Guilty Pleasure: Learning about, brewing, and enjoying all kinds of beer (huge IPA fan, BTW). Spirit Animal: Sloth (according to his wife, because he’s super laidback)…but [...]
16+ years of experience and still learning new tricks. A brief chat with Kanso HUD Specialist Jaime H.
Time with Kanso: 16+ years. Ninja Status: Submitting clients’ 50058 forms to HUD with a quickness. Guilty Pleasure: Games of chance ???? bingo, casinos, you name it. Spirit Animal: The Bassett Hound (she’s also the [...]