Simplify and streamline tenant relationships

Simplify and streamline tenant relationships

Simplify and streamline tenant relationships

Doorways’ powerful occupancy tools simplify the management of your tenant relationships. Your agency can easily configure Doorways to fit the unique needs of your community and its residents — household attributes, housing authority requirements, and more.

  • Intake

  • Wait Lists
  • Correspondence
  • Tenant Management
  • Move In/Move Out
  • Certifications
tenant overview

Doorways’ simple-to-follow workflow makes it easy for anyone on your team to become an intake specialist in minutes, freeing them up to focus on serving new residents, instead of navigating a complicated process.

Working within HUD requirements? Our wizard-based intake tool walks users step-by-step through the process.

Tenant Management
The Doorways tenant profile is the hub where your team gathers all the information needed to track interactions with tenants.

With customizable fields and attributes, your PHA or tribe can track household demographics, contact information, account balances, payment arrangements, upload documents, and more.

Doorways simplifies the burdensome, time-consuming activity of creating letters and other tenant correspondence.

Choose from Doorways’ built-in templates, or create your own, and automatically generate the clear communication you need fast.

Whether it’s an annual or interim certification, navigate the process more quickly and efficiently. Doorways is designed around the people you serve, helping to determine rent based on family composition, not housing unit.

Wait Lists
Wait lists are an unavoidable fact of life for public and tribal housing authorities.

Doorways includes robust functionality to allow you to stay up to date with growing demand for housing units.

Move In and Move Out
Lives change, tenants move out, and others move in. The simpler the transition, the better for everyone.

Keep the move in/move out fluid with Doorways’ intuitive workflows.


Learn more about how Doorways can help your agency simplify and humanize the complexities of public housing.